Drive 是這張專輯的第一首情歌,講述的是兩人互相喜歡,卻因為怕對方沒有相同感覺,所以不敢告白的心境。
歌名叫做 Drive (開車),裡面會聽到未繫安全帶的警示音、鑰匙撞擊聲、剎車聲..等,Halsey利用這些聲音讓你彷彿也在車上。
My hands wrapped around a stick shift
Swerving on the 405, I can never keep my eyes off this
My neck, the feeling of your soft lips
Illuminated in the light, bouncing off the exit signs I missed
- 405是加州的高速公路,他們開在這條路上,Halsey的手雖然握著變速桿,但眼裡卻只有她的愛人,還因為太專注了而錯過出口。
All we do is drive
All we do is think about the feelings that we hide
All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign
Sick and full of pride
All we do is drive
And California never felt like home to me
And California never felt like home
And California never felt like home to me
Until I had you on the open road and now we're singing
- 「我們就一直開車,一邊想著藏在心裡的感受,靜靜的等待對方暗示」這邊表達出 Halsey 對男方有感覺,而在下一段副歌多出了一個男聲,是她的製作人 Lido ,代表男方對她也有相同的感覺。
- Halsey在華盛頓出生,少年時期都在紐約度過,所以加州讓她沒有家的感覺,但男方能給她安全感。
[Spoken Word]
Umm.. Hey, I was just wondering if you wanna like… never mind. Thank you. Bye...
- 「Umm..那個...我在想...你要不要...算了 沒事 謝謝 掰...」
Your laugh echoes down the highway
Carves into my hollow chest, spreads over the emptiness
It's bliss
It's so simple but we can't stay
Over analyze again, would it really kill you if we kissed?
- 男方的笑聲能讓 Halsey 的內心不再空虛,但她希望關係能更進一步,所以心裡想著「難道親我一下會死嗎?」。